Heartache quotes

Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strog enough to let go. -Author unknown

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A new Day has come

Today is the first day of a new life.

I bet anybody that is getting better from a heartbreak says it everyday.But really I am 21,smart and amazing and nothing is supposed to go wrong in my life.
Apparently HE didn't know that and came into my life like a ray of sunshine and left me burning.

One thing that never let me down is you my dear chocolate cake,lamb casserole,boeuf bourguignon and cassoulet.

Sharing food is the earliest form of communication I've known and I don't know about you but I'm loving that conversation!

So until I get over my heartache you are forced to journey with me across the world of Break-Up Restaurant!
Getting hungry? Me too!

Let's get started!

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